LetTAP is a Social Enterprise to promote eco-friendly products. We also serve as the market linkage of those farmers that experience difficulties to be engaged with the market

  • Cambodia

LetTAP is a Social Enterprise to promote the eco-friendly products besidesusing plastics. We also serve as the market linkage of those farmers who aredicult to be engaged with the market.

LetTAP is Social Enterprise which is created as the one stop shop for selling the eco-friendly products (alternative from using plastics). LetTAP shop has been established after the successful of mini-workshop training about the impact of plastics to the environment by Let’s Talk About Plastic (which is environmental educational platform). In order to sustain of our educational platform, we set up the shop in hopes to sell the alternative products besides using plastic and to work closely with local people to promote their products as well.

Product & Services

1. Environmental Education

  1. Awareness Campaign and activities
  2. Training on Environmental Education
  3. Field Trip (Plastic Free Tour)

2. LetTAP Shop

  1. Channel to sell eco-friendly products and alternative goods from plastics
  2. Promoting local product